Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Self Matters....Ways to Beautify yourself

I love blogging because it is an opportunity for me to sort of get it out :) So those who are reading and choose to stop by and skim through...I thank you :) I had this big thing about beauty and pics for tonight's blog. But I feel like the definition of beauty is slowly losing it's meaning...We have all contemplated making changes on our bodies. We all love to enhance our outer appearance because it adds to our natural appearance. That is okay...(I love it also) But with all the time we take out to get hair, nails, waxing, etc are we completely beautiful? I mean think about see an attractive male/female and they are the total visual package...But when observing how they interact with others it's a total mess...Well doesn't it just make them look unattractive. So are we really doing this right? Ladies & Gents please before you plan your day of visual pleasure :) please start inside out....Take Inventory of yourself inside just like you do on the outside. Understand that it is just as rewarding. Taking inventory of yourself is vital if you are a person that wants to improve the quality of your life.
Taking inventory of your qualities, achievements, skills, your health, your behavior, your patterns, and your personality traits, as well as other actions and reactions is an amazing learning experience.
Taking inventory of yourself takes a lot of courage. It’s not easy for many people to come face to face with who they really are because the truth about yourself can sometimes hurt.
This is why we dislike people sometimes—because the part of them we dislike reflects what we truly cannot accept about ourselves... My thoughts and as I write I am taking inventory of myself...We are all at times guilty :) Thank you for reading what Summer Jae is writing :) God Bless!
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Friday, March 8, 2013

Put Your Best Foot Forward...Thanks Aunt Dee Dee :)

As I sit here with throbbing swollen feet...I can't help but think how blessed I am. I mean in all this pain  which has me walking in baby steps and concentrating on keeping my balance I can truly Praise God! Talking to my aunt Dee on the phone and even going as far as sending her a video on how much work it is for me to get around it hits me...What if I had this condition forever? What if I had no feet? What if I had to be in a wheelchair? This is truly a humbling thought. Thank God I have 2 legs, two feet, 10 toes and THANK GOD this is only temporary....What a humbling moment. My aunt gave me the tittle to this post. So every time you step out the house no matter what the circumstance...Put Your Best Foot Forward! God has blessed every step and as He continues to order your obedient and follow :) God Bless and Thank you for reading what Summer Jae is writing:) Make sure you check out my video 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Join The Movement!

Hey Friends join the movement and sign up for my newsletter. It only takes a few seconds!
This month feature is Godz MessenGer and many more. xoxo

Monday, September 10, 2012



Takes A Licking but She Keeps On Ticking...Summer Jae

As I sit here with one eye open fighting sleep...enjoying the melody that continue's to haunt my spirit to record...I write...and as I write I'm realizing that this blog is therapeutic and necessary...It's a way to express and show the details of my life and ministry...So Im hoping you enjoy my blog just as much as I do writing it :) I want to encourage you to sign up for my newsletter...It is innovative, inspiring, motivating and honest...Of course there will be updates on my ministry but this newsletter is way bigger than that...The topics discussed are overdue discussions. Join in on this movement and be apart something that is growing bigger than you and I. Support my ministry and newsletter by clicking here----> 
I really appreciate you and thank you for reading what Summer Jae is writing :) xoxo

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Sometimes women get so caught up... Work, Wife, Mother, Life....
I mean we just sometimes don't have as much time as we would like to pamper ourselves..A lot of times the feet are neglected and has to wait until the salon can get them done...But here is how you can get smoother moisturized feet at home....

Smoother Skin On Your Feet
  1. Crush up some strawberries
  2. Add them to a mixture of olive oil and sea salt
  3. Soak your feet in warm water for 10 minutes
  4. Rub your homemade scrub in circular motion across the feet
  5. Rinse
Moisturize Your Dry Feet
  1. Mix one tablespoon of manuka honey into 2 1/2 cups of almond or coconut milk 
  2. Add it to a foot bath
Soothe Your Hard and Dry Feet
  1. Add milk or natural fruit juice to a foot bath at the end of a long hard day (Both contain natural acids to help exfoliate the skin)
  2. Use a pumice buffer to gently remove the dead skin cells.
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