Thursday, November 10, 2011

Happy Birthday Summer J.A.E. :)

What most seem to forget.....It's just the little things that are so BIG....Thank you KING...<3 U

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Happy Birthday Summer J.A.E. :)

Very early, we find that the only object in life is to grow. A person starts to really live when he can live outside himself...So many of us depend and make a living by what we get, but fail to realize...we make a life by what we give...As I have learned over the years and grown in Christ the 1st lesson learned was that in order for me to live - part of me must die...Daily...I am grateful to God for just the very air to breath, legs to walk with, ears to hear, and all the things we sometimes take for granted..I myself do nothing. The Holy Spirit accomplishes all through me...I am grateful that God is using me as a vessel and for another year of LIFE and I THANK YOU JESUS♥♥♥